DBS Alumni living out of the state unviels the logo of their newly registered Association
The non-resident alumnis of the Don Bosco High School Chingmeirong, Imphal, has felt the need to give back to the alma mater and to the native state where they belong.
Even though there is an alumni association already in place and the alumnus at Imphal and nearby are taking part in its proceedings, past students staying away from Manipur are not always able to get as involved (due to reasons such as physical distance,etc). The virtual gathering of these past students in the recent past has brought up several avenues of help that can be rendered to the current students and hence to the society in general. It has become important to form a formal body to chanelise the ideas and energy.
The non-resident ex-students of the school has recently created a new association "Don Bosco Imphal Alumni Non-Resident". A formal logo is unvieled with the formal registration of the body.

The logo explained:
The many, multi-coloured petals represent the different caste/religious/social/cultural/regional backgrounds of each one of us that comprises this alumni body. However, all these unique, independent petals are bound together at the bottom by a stalk, from which all the petals grow and expand. This stalk, in tri-colour, represents our unity in diversity as citizens of India. And the whole figure is surrounded by an olive garland - the universal symbol of peace. The colour of the garland is blue to signify the importance of peace in bringing together all of us.
The executive body:
An 'ad-hoc' executive body has been constituted until a formal election is held.
The office bearers at the moment are:
President :: Raj Vendantam (batch of 1978)
Secretary :: Momo Irom (batch of 1988)
Treasurer :: Basanta rajkumar (batch of 1988)
Advisor :: John Zamkhomang (batch of 1975)
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