Letter from the Alumni President & the Rector to the Alumni
Invitation, Contribution and the Souvenir - 20 Mar 2007.
Dear Bosconian,
I am sure you are aware by now that your Alma Mater is celebrating the Golden Jubilee of its birth. Fr Aloysius Ravalico and Fr Peter Bianchi brought the spirit of St John Bosco to the soil of Manipur and established this first Salesian school of our state in 1957. This is a most appropriate occasion to pray for the soul of Fr Ravalico, who passed away in 1967; to felicitate Fr Bianchi who, in his 85th year, is still active in the service of our state through Don Bosco School, Shajouba; to show our gratitude to all the Salesians and teachers who served this institution; to renew the bonds between the alumni and their Alma Mater; to strengthen the relationship among the alumni themselves; to reflect on the situation of the school today; to add dynamism to the lives of the present students of the school; to redefine the role of the institution in the state in the years to come; etc.
We have established a committee to lead us through an entire year of activities that will mark this jubilee. Various events have been planned that will involve children and young people of all categories in our own school and in as many other institutions as possible. Activities are also planned for the youth clubs of our neighbourhood, the children benefiting from our outreach activities such as the literacy programme, leapfrog course, adoption of schools, counselling in schools, sponsorship of students, etc. We also intend holding a conference of intellectuals, academicians and leaders of the state on ‘Education in Manipur’.
Invitation & Avenues to contribute
We invite you, as a past pupil of this institution, to join us in this jubilee. Depending on your possibilities, you may personally participate in the events, or you could help us organise and conduct them, or you could make financial contributions to the realisation of the programme. The expenses we foresee would mostly be for the materials or equipment needed for the events, the prizes, honorarium for officials and judges, transport, food and lodging for participants, etc.
You may also choose to contribute, if you so prefer, to a jubilee memorial scholarship fund from which assistance could be given to disadvantaged chidren year after year.
A third possibility for your contribution could be towards the improvement of the infrastructure of our school in order to raise it back to pre-eminent stature it once enjoyed in the state.
We also plan to bring out a souvenir of our jubilee. It will be in the form of a coffee-table book. It will contain articles written mostly by our alumni. We invite you make your contribution. You may write about your memories of the school, the teachers, the events of those years, etc., or about your family and career after you left school, or whatever else you may wish to place on record and may interest the readers. Along with your article, please, send along also photos – of yourself as you are now or as you were in school, of activities from your days at school, or of your family, etc. We intend the book to be self-financing. A page of this book will contain approximately 400 words. Hence, please contribute Rs 300 for every 400 words of your text; i.e., if your text has below 400 words, you will have to pay Rs 300. If it has between 400 and 800 words, you will have to contribute Rs 600, and so on. If you have made this contribution, you will receive a free copy of the book when it is released. The material for publication must reach us by 31 August 2007.
How to Contribute
If you are in India or if you are making your donation through an Indian intermediary, the account you could use is ‘Don Bosco High School’, A/C 11011829 of Manipur State Cooperative Bank.
All donations coming directly from abroad must be credited to ‘The Chingmeirong Don Bosco’, A/C 12399 of Vijaya Bank.
When you make a donation, please specify whether it is for:
1) the jubilee year’s activities,
2) for the scholarship fund,
3) for the infrastructure development of the school,
4) for the publication of your article in the souvenir.
Our jubilee year will be launched with an official inaugural function to be held in the school premises at 11.00 am on Monday, 26 March 2007. Dr S S Sidhu, the Governor of Manipur, has consented to be the chief guest.
You are most cordially invited to this function.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Yambem Laba M C George sdb
President. Rector.
Note from the webmaster: If you would like to talk to someone before your contribution is sent, these guys could be of help.