Personal Details:
- Son of: Thingnam Surendra and Thingnam Ongbi Pramo Devi
- Permanent Address: Nagamapal Kangjabi Leirak, Imphal West District, Manipur
- Date of Birth: 26 February 1972
- Primary School: Nirmalabas High School, Imphal
- High School: Don Bosco High School, Chingmeirong, Imphal (1988 batch)
- Higher Secondary School: Manipur Public School (1990)
- Graduation: Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, secured first class first (1992)
- Post Graduation: Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, secured first class first (1994)
- M. Phil: Delhi University (1997)
- Cleared NET in June 1998
- Ph.D from Manipur University.
Thesis: A Critique of the Novels of Chinua Acheba and Ngugi Wa Thiang'O (2004)
Work Experiences:
- Lecturer : English, Shyamlal College, Delhi Univeristy (1996-99)
- Lecturer: Herbert Higher Secondary School (2000)
- Lecturer: D.M. College of Arts, Imphal (2002-05, 2005-07)
- Lecturer: Churachandpur College, Churachandpur (2005)
- Assistant Professor: Department of English, Manipur University (2007)
- Manipur Civil Service – 2007. Working as Sub Divisional Officer (SDO) in Kassom Khullen Sub-Division, under Ukhrul District of Manipur, India, at the time of his death.
Other Social Service Activities:
- Executive Member, Manipur Students Association, Delhi (MSAD) (1990-92)
- Advisor, MSAD, (1992-99)
- Editor, Alternative Perspective (Academic Quarterly Journal, formerly Alternative Frames), October 2005 – May, 2007
Published Works:
1. Landlocked Economy: Challenges of the Northeast India (Forthcoming Concept Publications, New Delhi)
2. India's Look East Policy and India's Northeast: Polemics and Perspectives (Concept Publications, New Delhi, 2009)
3. Rethinking Colonialism (World View, Delhi, 2006)
4. "Proselytisation in India: The process of Hinduisation in Tribal Societies" (An eight parts essay published in www.e-pao.net, 2009)
5. "Ordeals and Upheaval: A critique of Hindu Proselytisation in Manipur" in Dharmendra Kumar and Yemuna Sunny (eds.) Proselytisation in India, The process of Hinduisation in Tribal Societies,(Akar Books, New Delhi, 2009)
6. "Notes Towards A Contextual Understanding of Imperialism", Orient Vision, Vol II, July-Aug-Sept, 2005.
7. "Indian Polity: Crisis in Politics and Politics in Crisis", Third World Impact, March 1998.
8. "Politics, Revolt and The Absurd: A Study of Albert Camus", Orient Vision, Vol III, July-Aug-Sept,2006.
9. "Contemporary Popular Culture as Counter Culture", Paper presented at the Delhi College of arts and Commerce on the Fourth Biennial Congress of the Comparative Literature Association of India, March 29-31, 1999.
10. "Understanding Underdevelopment: State of Economy in the Northeast", Eastern Quarterly, Vol 4, October 2007-March 2008.
11. "Introducing Literary Theory" in Matamgi Yakairol, July 1, 2000.
12. "Russian Formalism" in Matamgi Yakairol, July 15, 2000.
13. "Dialogism" in Matamgi Yakairol, July 29, 2000.
14. "Phenomenology" in Matamgi Yakairol, Sept 9 & Sept 16, 2000.
15. "Manipuri Literature in History", Eastern Quarterly, Vol 3, July-Sept 2005.
16. "India's Look East Policy: Origins and Conceptualizations", Alternative Frames, Vol 1, Oct-Dec, 2005.
17. "Legacy of a Peripheral Economy: Theorising The Emerging Countours of India's Look East Policy in the North East", Alternative Frames, Vol 1, Jan-March, 2006.
18. "Economics of Underdevelopment: Reading the North East", Alternative Perspectives, Vol. 2, Oct-Dec, 2006.
19. Book Review of Relationships: Ways to Save Them by R. Mazumdar in The National Herald, New Delhi, Dec 20, 1997
Rethinking Colonialisman introspection into contemporary world
Economics of Underdevelopment Reading the North East
The Indispensability of UGC - National Eligibility Test (NET) - By Thingnam Kishan Singh, December 23
Manipuri Literature in History - A series by Thingnam Kishan Singh
The Ceasefire Debacle: Legacy Of Partisan Politics
A Critique of Hindu proselytization in Manipur - Ordeals and upheaval - A 7 part series by Dr. Thingnam Kishan Singh.
Sir, — Insurgency has only been on the rise in all the years that the AFSPA has been in force. Why is the Government shying away from discussing the core problem of insurgency?
Thingnam Kishan,
Programme Officer Dr Thingnam Kishan Singh also inspected the work taken up in Kasom Khullen. Speaking to UNI, he said among 44 villages taken up under NREGS, Kasom Khullen is the most backward and isolated block in Ukhrul district. Asserting that NREGS represents a paradigm shift in the delivery mechanism of the government aimed at ushering a new era of economic insurrection he stressed on the need to commit towards the creation of durable community assets which can generate and enhance productivity so as to enable the villages to embark on the path of self-reliance and self-sustenance.