04 Sept 2006 11:13 PM. Fr MC George writes:
I am happy to see the interest of all of you in getting back to this school - welcome! Alone, or with your wife and kids! Of course, not for classes, but to be back with your friends again, and with the teachers and the present generation of students.
In 2007 we complete 50 years since the foundation. It is the golden jubilee. I have swung from one extreme to the other when thinking of commemorating the jubilee. First I thought of a very grand celebration and a memorial building like an indoor stadium. Then I went to the other extreme of not wanting to do anything seeing the tough situation in Imphal, the lack of enough fathers to look after anything, etc. Now I am thinking of a middle road! We will measure our commemoration according to the interest, support and encouragement from everyone, particularly those who studied here in the past 50 years, the present teachers and students, etc.
Fr M C George