Dr. Th. Kishan at Kasom Khullen (sometime in 2008) |
Read e-pao.net's Collection of news, articles and messages on the murder of Dr Kishan
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 7:02:20 PM Fr George MC writes:
Today I visited the family of Kishan accompanied by K Gopen of Yairipok, who was a classmate of Kishan. We spent some time with his father, wife, elder daughter and his younger brother who studied in DB Langjing.
I was on my way to Jiribam when we got the news of the gruesome murder.
Let me say this - I am proud of Kishan and I am proud of all of you who rose up unitedly with so much fervour, pain, creativity, love for our land and people, and mobilised yourselves to get something done. A professor from DM College who was in the delgation from the college that visited the family while we were, said, "Fr George, you formed Kishan too well. He was too good." Thinking of all the mails I had read this morning I said, "I am happy he is not the only one. There are other Bosconians, too, who carry their own torch in their own way, or who will now pick up the torch fallen from Kishan's hand and keep pushing ahead to where we want our people to be."
Congrats. I feel proud of you all. Keep up the good fight.
(P.S. I went to Jiribam with three staff members to study the need and possibilities for work for the poorest children of that sub-division in the lines of what we are now doing through Bosco Mangaal from Chingmeirong.)
Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:22:48 PM Shankar A writes:
Knowing Dr.Thingnam Kishan and his family for so many years, the amount of good works he had accomplished both in Academics and in coordinating his family for improvement, his parent who created an environment of learning in the family since childhood days, their efforts in nurturing and upbringing,…….words failed to describe the pain at his sudden demise and more sadden in the manner he was killed.
Dr. Thingnam Kishan was a good reader and repository of knowledge on many issues and subjects.
Another aspect of his personality was the swiftness, he accomplish many things within a short span of time. May be he was aware…Life is too short.
This was Dr Thingnam Kishan as I remember.
My heart felt condolence to his family at this sad turn of event.
May God give his family the strength to cope.
May his soul rest in peace.
Friday, February 20, 2009 8:07:23 PM Pritam Yumnam writes:
A heartbroken tribute to Late Dr.Thingnam Kishan singh, A. Rajen Sharma & Y.token
I strongly condemn the brutal killing of Dr Kishan, A. Rajen Sharma and Y. Token, which I called them true sons of this land called MANIPUR. They were the very people who worked tirelessly day and night for my brothers at the hills, specially Kasom Khullen, so that they may shine like other places in MANIPUR specially in the field of education and health. As we all know they went for a meeting called by UKHURL DC Pankaj, Dr kishan went with his staff as a true servant of the people to attend the said meeting without knowing that meeting will be HIS last meeting.
HOW ON EARTH can there be men who kills senselessly those people who work tirelessly for the people of Kasom khullen in some brutal prehistoric manner? Today the whole MANIPUR is crying for justice for those innocent SOULS who is no longer with us now. Let justice prevail so that their SOULS can live in peace. Whoever be the person BIG or SMALL behind this tragic end must be booked if there is any "BODY " called Government in MANIPUR ? May this tragic incident be the last in MANIPUR, May Dr.Kishan's soul shine among the STARS to guide his fellow officers to continue in HIS step which HE once Took which HE even Gave HIS dear soul without bothering HIS wife, daughters, brother , parents , FOR THE PEOPLE OF KASOM KHULLEN …
Friday, February 20, 2009 12:49:57 PM Bishwajeet Elangbam writes:
Dear fellow Bosconians,
One of his collegues wrote -
"Before we were posted to different places, he told me he preferred to be in hills because that's where he could get a relatively larger involvement in the development process. He wanted to focus on health and education and most heartbreaking to know, in hindsight, was that he wanted to help bridge the growing chasm between the plains and hills ..."
I am not sure how much we can help to bring justice to one of the most heinous crime , we have known . But probably , one of the thing we could help if to follow and continue Tamo Kishan's selfless and farsighted vison and work.
Maybe we all will continue to ponder why the life of such a good person has to met such a barbaric end .
Maybe the best we can do is getting inspired and motivated by his work and vision.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 2:31 PM Ronid Chingangbam writes:
Da Kishan
It was sometime after spring
you and me were mourning
with smile, you and me were crying
how we would miss the burning flame
that ceased by the rain of bullets
We knew such heroism lasts only in literature
it will last only in hearts
the hearts of the weakest of the weak
And now today they have taken you in my heart,
the weak heart of mine.
i value you, my brother
you deserve more than this poetry
and the condolences
* Ronid is not a Bosconian but he knew Kishan very well. He has sent this poem dedication on his memory to the alumni group.
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009, 9:37 AM Basanta Rajkumar writes:
Having known Kishan very closely, it is indeed shocking and unbelievable to know that he is no longer with us today.
I still have fond memories of him coming to school in groups in cycles often with Shankar and Balan who live nearby. Very joyful, gregarious and full of life.
Although relatively short in height, his grit and determination belie his size. From the days in DBS to the streets of Delhi where he not only struggled and excelled but also had the rare distinction of joining one of the elite colleges of Delhi as a faculty, before joining the state civil services as an MCS officer. Coming from an average, lower middle class family with all sorts of hurdles and limitations, this was no mean achievement.
Today, this glorious son of god lies battered and butchered in a corner of the RIMS morgue, his body still unclaimed, his last rites still not performed. Pained and angered as we all are, as all sane humans should, we should at the moment not lose sight of the task at hand, but at the same time we should also not lose sanity ourselves.As the matter involves larger issues, some of which may not be appropriate to be discussed at this forum,a JAC has been formed, which will be meeting at Kishan's this afternoon. Although many things are still not clear, bits and pieces have started coming and it is hopefully expected to get to the bottom of things sooner rather than later.
Kishan came with a purpose to earth, which he strived to fulfill till his last moments. Let us pray that his soul rest in peace in heaven.
Let us also pray that his brave wife and two young daughters get the inspiration and the courage from the departed soul to get through this difficult time.
May god bless them.
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 10:44:55 PM Momo Irom writes:
A promising light snuffed out, even before it began to shed its light in the engulfing darkness.
Today, I mourn not just losing a friend and a fellow Bosconian, I mourn (call me a despondent if you will) for what our dear 'Manipur' has come to stand......kidnappi ngs, murders, extortion, corruption, hustling, swindling, fraud, embezzlement, pilfering... .the list goes on (i'll only be wasting my breath trying to name it). Its a "rule of the out-law". Knowning Kishan, I believe he gave his life fighting against some such sickness that ails the land. My salute to you, Oh brave son of Manipur.
And today I can only wish that you did not give your life in vain. As I shed this tear for your demise, I pray many more like you are born. As for us, let us all pledge to fight against the sickness that plagues the land, in whatever manner we can.
My hearfelt condolence to family and friends.Kishan lived his life in his own terms, thats more than can be said for many of us living.
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 6:15:36 PM Balan B writes:
Kishan Thingnam was truly a good human who has been through a very normal and down to earth upbringing, schooling and university years. His student days in Delhi are filled with the same stories that most student goes through staying out of home and studying. He had reached phenomenal heights of success with his works. He had authored a book. He is considered an expert in econo-political currents of not only Manipur but of the North East. He has also written many papers and presented them in various gatherings - local, national, international.
I met him last in October 2008 and he was still the same old good self who guides villagers from Kasom Khullen and chides his daughter for not completing her homework to willingly stopping to speak to local friends. Yes, he did all this in the span of about an hour I was with him on that morning. Finally he kicked started the "Activa" which has given up on me. He also showed me whole lot of pictures of his office and the road leading to it (both of which were in very bad shapes) and he making a joke and song about it as he descibe what tasks he has ahead of him. He goes for walks regularly in the morning speaking to morning walkers on any topics that are thrown at him.
That's Dr Thingnam Kishan MCS for you!
You will surely be missed! Rest in Peace! and May god give strength to your family.
Thursday, 19 February, 2009 11:25:15 AM Shunchonngam Jatak Chiru writes:
It is indeed shocking to hear about the brutal murder of one of our friends - an alumni and a bright officer. I remember him as an effable person and a nice soul from my days in DBS... Words fail to express the pain, the despondence and the loss that his passing has left all of us with...
I join all the rest of DBS alumni in condemning this act of barbarism. I also convey my heartfelt condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the departed soul!!
P.S. I have a song I wrote in 1994 and have now recorded at home in which I tried to express my despair regarding the state of affairs in Manipur... I don't know how appropriate it is at this moment of sadness.... But I'd like to dedicate this to the memory of Kishan, whom I knew as a gentle and affable soul .....
[Note from webmaster: This dedication song can be heard on the Radio E-Pao! Look for a song with name "onthokpanida eigi lamdumsae" on the playlist.
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009, 11:59 AM Probin Arambam writes:
24th Dec 2008 we had last met. "Xmas n New Year make a good vacation in Ukhrul n Kasom... will enjoy with family till 4th Jan2009..." Kishan said in a light mood walking along the Khoyathong Road.
we have lost the mortal of him but everyone will treasure this brave man in their memoirs as one of the brightest stars in the sky...
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 11:37:21 PM Kheda Sanjenbam writes:
Words cannot describe the pain and the anger that is felt by many because of this inhuman act. Like many, I also knew Kishan from school days and as many pointed out, he is very fun loving, down to earth and a very hardworking individual. It's indeed a great loss for our society. My heartfelt condolence to his family and loved ones. I pray for the departed soul.May his soul rest in peace and May God give strength to his family...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 7:53 PM Reji Alex writes:
I am sorry to hear the tragic passing away of a Bosconian. I guess I never knew him. He must have been 10 years old when I left Don Bosco.
Our prayers are for Kishan. May his soul rest in peace. My sympathy and heartfelt condolences to his family.
I hope the cowards, who committed the crime, are caught and punished.
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 8:05:16 PM Satya Satya writes:
This is atrocious!!
Nobody has the right to take another's life.
My thoughts are with the distraught family of T.Kishan.
May almighty give solace & strength to the bereaved family members.
Thursday, 19 February, 2009 12:02:06 PM Padameshwar Nongthombam writes:
That' s the fall of a bright star,
That's the fall of a bright star
Dr.Thingnam Kishan
To me he was not just an able MCS officer, a super senior at high school, but a good brother, a good teacher.
He was English teacher when I was in my eleventh standard at Harvard School , Imphal.I would run out of words if I have to describe him. He was such a cool and calm guy, who was open to saying what he likes and dislikes outright, who always believed in the dictum "Action speaks louder than words" and who always preached "The valiant never taste of death but once". Truth and transparency ran in his veins.
It seems only yesterday when he taught the famous English prose "The drought" by Saratchandra Chaterjee.Through that he showed us how the society is suffering and going in chaos and how people must go against all odds.
Though the association with you was for a period of time, the lessons of life which you have taught us will stay forever.
While writing this note, I have my eyes filled with tears, the tears of losing a good son, the tears of losing a good administrator, the tears of losing a good teacher, the tears of losing a good human being….. He was a God sent guy who always yearned to see a changed Manipur and a changed society.
May your soul rest in peace.
And woes to you butchers. Are not you fed up of being so cruel, so brutal? How can you be so merciless to your fellow mate?
Today we have lost yet another good son of the state. Is not the time ripe now for all of us to stand united before we lose more Kishans..We are going to need them for a better Manipur.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 11:16 AM Nelson E writes:
This is really sad and a great loss indeeed 2 all of us. .........
I personally don't know him, but yes, I have met him twice or thrice whenever I visited his house in school days. My classmate and my only bench mate who have given me company till 10 std at DBS is his brother Sanjeev. I heard about him a lot lately from him and always dreamt to meet when I go home.
The moment I heard the news, I was shocked and didn't know what to say a word. Kept searching for more news at e-pao and other Manipuri websites . Called up friends in Manipur, my home if they heard anything like that. I was not sure, if I should call his younger brother and speak. I was scared and numbed . It was around 22.44 on 17.02.2009 I gathered all my strength a called Sanjeev and tried consoling him with few lines.
Words are not enough for a person like him. There are many who have not sent an email as condolence but I am sure everyone have felt the same like we feel.
May Lord give his family Courage and Patience. May his soul rest in peace.
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009, 10:47 AM Lokanta B writes:
Dear All,
I know Tamo Kishan as one of my seniors in DBS . He is also from the same locality. I am deeply shocked by this news.
I met Tamo Kishan last December, in one of his friend's wedding. We had a quick chat and I remember, he shared about his hectic work in Ukhrul. He is a down to earth person and always focus on books and academic in all his life. I would like to share one of his photos during luhongba.
May his soul rest in peace.
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 1:45:18 PM Robert Ningombam writes:
woe to you oh killers!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 5:18:05 PM Deepak Khundrakpam writes:
Dakishan was a man who was liked by all.I never knew he was a Bosconian but I knew him as he was among the group of a cousin of mine.They use to gather in weekends in Chingmeirong Khongnang Ani Karak in his days as a lecturer in DM college. At that time all I knew about him was that he is the brother of DaSanjeev(Mamma) .
He was a gentleman at a true sense!!When I read the news its really hard to reconcile the truth
Da Kishan We will miss you, We will miss a Shooting Star!!
May Your Soul rest in Peace!!
Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 9:14:34 PM Robert Ningombam writes:
Tamo Ringo, thanks for uploading the picture of T. Kishan, i don't know who he is and never met in my life, but today i feel i have a connection with him. everyday people die in manipur for no reason, and people does not bother at all but the death of kishan is something that is very different even the pigs and the scavengers are not killed in that way.sometimes i ask God whether he cares about Manipur? i realized that God has left Manipur long time ago, it is very sad. for how long can we live with this thorn in our flesh? after 26/11 Mumbaikars reacts and the world knows, what about us?
Tuesday, 17 February, 2009 9:44:07 PM Dwipen Khwairakpam writes:
Dear All,
Words cannot even begin to express my sorrow to know the loss of one of our Bosconian. I do not personally know him, but after listening to Da Ringos story about his strange death, i felt a sense of sadness within me. I am so sorry for the loss of him. My thoughts are with him and his family.Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort us tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 6:21 PM Ringo Pebam writes:
Tamo Kishan Thingnam, former Bosconian, from the batch of 1987, passed away. He was from Nagampal Kangjabi, he was an SDO, he was selected in MCS exam of 2007. He was a Bosonian who dreamt and worked for a better Manipur. He was a kind, cheerful and helpful man.
Past pupils of Don Bosco Imphal, are deeply saddened by his death. His wife, kids, parents and brothers are in our thoughts. May God give them courage during this tough time.
Tamo Kishan, may your soul Rest in Peace. We love you. We will miss you.
Love and Prayers,
Your brothers from DBS, Imphal