29 Sep 07 9:08 PM.. Fr MC George writes:
Dear Friends,
Today we had the lunch - at Nirmala hotel. 18 students of class 10. Headmaster - Ojha Indibhushan - his two helpers - Madam Rita and Ojha Sekharan. Myself. I invited a few past pupils. Some were out of town. 3 prominent personalities came - Ojha Laba, Mr Babloo Loitongbam and Mr Gideon Kerishing.
I gave a pep talk. Babloo followed, then Ojha Laba, with Gideon bringing up the rear.
I think this was a much better lunch programme than the last year. I felt like giving a little pep talk since there were 18, not 6. The personalities had wonderful things to say. Laba is a jewel - so is Babloo, and Gideon is no less. Laba and Babloo repeatedly pointed to the 'EXTRA' that Don Bosco transmits, that you do not get in most other places or schools. They had precious ideas, and they were shared in most beautiful ways. I got the feeling that the interaction was making a mark. If our kids dont get motivated by today's chat, nothing will. Thanks to the sponsors. It was a wondrful idea and an excellent experience.
M C George
2nd Aug 07. 10:16 PM. Fr MC George writes:
Dear Friends,
One of our goals for the jubilee year was to form
an official unit of the alumni and affiliate it to the provincial federation, which is in turn linked to
the national federation and international confederation of the Alumni of Don Bosco institutions all over the
world. All members of the registered units get an ID card issued by the national office recognising them
as DB alumni and this is respected by all our institutions all over India and globally.
I am glad to inform you of the formation of the official unit. Please find attached a report on the
matter from Kiran, an alumni of ours, who is working in our school now and is responsible for all the
inter-school jubilee activities being held in the school.
Fr M C George
Past Pupil's Meeting - MINUTES
A past pupils meeting of Don Bosco, Imphal, was held on 22nd July'07 (Sunday)
at 10.30 am at the Don Bosco Old Building Hall to transact the following agenda:
1. Formation of Past Pupils Association Local Unit.
2. Election of new office bearers.
3. Fixing of membership fees.
4. Misc.
With Fr. C.C. Jose, Vice-Rector, as the Chairman, Mr. Indibhushan, Headmaster Don Bosco
Imphal as the President and Mr. Paul Golmei, Commisioner GAD & Mr. Y. Laba, Director
J. N. Dance Academy as the Guests of Honour of the Function.
Fifty Seven dedicated past pupils were present at the meeting and after a good discussion, all
the members agreed and laid down the following resolutions unanimously.
1. The members agreed to form a dynamic Local Unit of the Past Pupils Association of
Don Bosco Imphal, under the guidance of the Salesian Delegate and affiliate to the Provincial
Federation of Dimapur Province.
2. The members present elected the following persons as the Executive committee of the Unit.
(read as Sl No, Name, Role, Batch)
1. Mr. Y. Laba, President, 1974
2. Mr. Huimi Dominic, Vice President (Senior), 1985
3. Mr. Rishikesh, Vice President (GEX), 1992
4. Mr. Th. Jaminikanta, Gen. Secretary, 1991
5. Mr. L. Sukumar, Treasurer, 1982
6. Mr. Kiran K.M., Councillor, 1986
7. Mr. Anil Sagolsem, Councillor, 1987
8. Mr. Yoihenba, Councillor, 1999
9. Mr. Th. Bobo, Councillor, 1999
10. Mr. Ujal Roy, Councillor, 1999
11. Mr. Y. Sobraj, Councillor, 2007
12. Mr. Bahrul, Councillor, 2007
3. All the members agreed to contribute Rs. 200/- as the subscription fees.
Unit Delegate
Promotion of Scouting and Study of our work
Fr MC George sdb. 25th June 07. 9:57 PM
Dear Friends,
Today I was in the Raj Bhavan for a function
distributing Rajya Praskar awards to scouts and guides.
I was specially invited. I was pleasantly surprised to
see that the official organisation recognised and
thanked the work of Don Bosco and my work for the
promotion of scouting in Manipur.
A Jesuit priest - former provincial of Calcutta - has
come to study our work for the poorest children of
Imphal and Manipur. He will spend two days with us
visiting our literacy centres in Imphal and Moirang,
the LEAPFROG course at Thayong, etc., and interacting
with our staff.
I wrote a book about possible services to poor
children and youth. I have been distributing it free
to institutions around. So people are becoming curious
and wanting to learn and copy the practices we have
Good for us and good for poor children!!!
Fr M C George
Inter-school Solo competition
Fr MC George sdb. 25th June 07. 9:57 PM
were two categories - English and Manipuri. We got a
group of professional musicians to accompany all the singers.
Sadananda and Roshabini were the judges. You can be
sure the whole thing was a big hit.
Today I was in the Raj Bhavan for a function
distributing Rajya Praskar awards to scouts and guides.
I was specially invited. I was pleasantly surprised to
see that the official organisation recognised and
thanked the work of Don Bosco and my work for the
promotion of scouting in Manipur.
A Jesuit priest - former provincial of Calcutta - has
come to study our work for the poorest children of
Imphal and Manipur. He will spend two days with us
visiting our literacy centres in Imphal and Moirang,
the LEAPFROG course at Thayong, etc., and interacting
with our staff.
I wrote a book about possible services to poor
children and youth. I have been distributing it free
to institutions around. So people are becoming curious
and wanting to learn and copy the practices we have
Good for us and good for poor children!!!
The gathering of the beneficiaries of the Literacy Programme and the inter-school Make-up and Hairstyle contest on 2nd June 07
Fr. MC George sbd. 5th June 2007 9:16 PM
... The last Saturday was the gathering of the
disadvantaged children benefitting from our literacy
programme, intensive course, etc. Between 1000 and
1100 of them came. Three buses brought the children
in. Those who came in early had games organised by the
youth services staff, sekharan and the scouts.
Breakfast was serrved to all.
When the students of the
regular school arrived, we held a combined assembly -
the students of the school and the literacy children
TOGETHER ! It was a very moving scene. The students
then went in to the school, the literacy students cmer
to the hall and they had a cultural programme with
items from themselves.
A part of this programme was
the inter-school competition in make-up and
hairstyling. Four girls' school sent 16 girls to compete.
At 12.00 we served a meal to all the literacy students
and their teachers - rice, fish, dal and iromba. From,
1.00 to 3.00 pm the literacy students were entertained
by Sadananda and Roshibini. The students and their
teachers were in the seventh heavens. Even a teacher
confessed that it was the happiest day in her life -
to be at a live performance by Sadananda for the first
time n her life, and she got it all free. The children
sang and screamed every song along with Sadananda. I
think they had a day they will never forget in their
Mr Yambem Laba, DC T Panmei and others came for a
while during the programme. Mr Laba, as he was
leaving, said, "I am sure today Don Bosco is looking
down from heaven and smiling because his house in
Imphal is filled with his very own children."
The ISTV made a brief report of it in the news that
evening and broadcasted a one-hour long programme on the same at 6.00 pm on Monday 4th June 07.
27 Mar 2007 9:34 PM. Fr MC George writes:
Dear Friends,
I dont think I can yet write a full report. But you have read what was in the Sangai Express. There were two photos too in the Sangai. There were reports also in several other papers - Imphal Free Press, Poknapham, etc.
There were certainly over 2,000 participants as we ran short of seats for some 2 or 3 hundred of them.
The ISTV gave a live broadcast that went on for five hours. There were reports on DD, AIR, and NETV both
last night and this morning.
You have seen photos of the banner on the facade of the school, as well as the new colours of the external walls.
On Saturday we have drawing and painting competitions for some 15 to 20 schools of Imphal town.
Fr M C George
Read the complete text of the Inaugural Note delivered on 26/Mar/07.