Our dear fellow Bosconians,
In today’s world of turbulence and uncertainty – there comes but occasionally, certain individuals who show us the path to truth, righteousness and love. When such a person happens to be one from amongst us the feeling of belongingness, inspiration and motivation to be on the right path increases manifold. One such person was Dr Th Kishan Singh, a past student of Don Bosco School Imphal. Dr Kishan came from a simple family background in a small town from the Northeast corner of India called Imphal in the Indian state of Manipur. Despite his simple and modest beginning and his path filled with many hurdles, Dr. Kishan had a brilliant academic career and went on to become a successful civil servant. On the way, he helped his juniors, peers and colleagues, did social work, did research and inspired a whole generation. As a civil servant, working in a militancy infested state with a history of political instability proved to be a hugely demanding job, but Dr Kishan took it as a personal opportunity to utilize his skill, experience and personal rapport to serve the people he loved the most –the people of Manipur. He hoped and worked to bridge the ever increasing gap that was and is being created by various vested interest groups on the lines of social, economic, political and ethnic differences. His insurmountable determination to work for the uplift of the poor and the underprivileged was however cut short when he along with two of his office staff were found brutally murdered by certain anti-social elements on 17th February, 2009. The huge amount of outpourings against his brutal killing from all sections of the society only proved how much love, affection and respect he commanded from not only his near and dear ones but also from the many faceless people in the remote, hilly places of the state, whose lives he strove to change -“Not with blows, but with loving kindness!” as a true Bosconian would, which he was to the core.
In remembrance of Dr Kishan and as a mark of love, affection and solidarity, the past students of Don Bosco Imphal, of which Dr Kishan is an illustrious alumnus, is proposing to have a Global Candle Light Vigil on the 5th of April 2009 at 7:30 PM local time. All those associated with the Don Bosco mission, be it past/present students, faculty, institutes, etc., are cordially invited to join this vigil because Dr Kishan was the embodiment of the values and principles of Don Bosco and all of us, Bosconians should feel proud and privileged to have had such a noble soul amongst us. In today’s world, where there is need for many more people like Dr Kishan, perhaps his work, his life and his supreme sacrifice can serve to inspire and motivate us and generations to come to live a life dedicated to the service of the poor and underprivileged. That is why we invite you to join us in commemorating this Global DBS Candle Light Vigil.
We would appreciate it immensely if you could let us know of any action of solidarity that you have undertaken in this regard.
Yours sincerely,
Past Students of DBS, Imphal
Program list for 5th april 2009:
- Participants will gather at the designated places 10 mins before 7:30pm local time.
- 5 mins before 7:30 pm local time, a 2 min silence to be observed in memory of the departed soul
- At the stroke of 7:30 pm local time, light the candles and say a prayer
- 8:00pm local time, dispersal.
Please read this brief Profile of Dr Kishan.
*** Update on the Global CLV on 5th April 2009 before the Vigil ***
April 5th 2009, Sunday is the Global Candle Vigil by the Don Bosco Communities in remembrance of Dr Kishan. Don Bosco institutions and Bosconians around the world has been invited to join this global event at 7:30 PM local time.
Those that have confirmed solidarity and confirmation to hold the CLV are:
1. Europe:
* Rome (Italy)
* Seville, (Spain)
* Madrid, (Spain)
* Paris, (France)
* Milan, (Italy)
* Bilbao, (Spain)
* Valencia (Spain)
* Brussels, (Belgium)
* Moscow, (Russia)
* Munich (Germany)
* Lisbon (Portugal)
* Dublin (Ireland)
* Prague (Czech)
2. South America
* Brasilia (Brazil)
* Buenos Aeris (Argentina)
* Bogota (Colombia)
* Caracas (Venezuela)
3. Asia
* Manila (Phillipines)
* Colombo (Sri Lanka)
* Tokyo (Japan)
* Hong Kong (China)
* Mauritius
* Seoul (S Korea)
* Macau (China)
4. Africa
* Johannesburg (South Africa)
* Nairobi (Kenya)
* Harare (Zimbabwe)
* Cairo (Egypt)
* Cameroon
5. Americas
* New York (US)
* San Francisco (US)
* Quebec (Canada)
* Vancouver (Canada)
6. India
* DB Park Circus (West Bengal), including the Alumni Association of DB Park Circus
* DB Academy Patna (Bihar)
* DB Matunga (Maharastra)
* DB Malbassey (Sikkim)
* DB Chennai
* DB Hyderabad
* DB Chennai
* DB Bangalore
* DB Trichy
Past Pupils of DBS, Imphal will also have the Candle Light Vigil done at:
1. Uripok(cremation site), Imphal.
2. Tamenglong, Manipur
3. Arambam, Imphal
4. Dimapur, Nagaland
5. Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
6. Bangalore
7. Chennai
8. Kolkata
9. Mumbai
10. New York
11. Cannada
12. Sohar, The Sultanate of Oman
13. Dubai
14. Singapore
15. London
16. Malmo, Sweden
17. Delhi
Wherever you are, the Alumni of Don Bosco Imphal request you to light up a candle with a prayer for the soul at 7:30 PM local time on 5th April 2009.