********* Dr. Th. Kishan is no more ********
Tue Feb 17, 2009:
The past pupils of Don Bosco High School Imphal, are immensely shocked to know the death of Dr. Thingnam Kishan Singh.
Click here for more pictures of the Candle Light Vigil on 7th march 09
From the matric batch of 1986-87, Thingnam Kishan, was a brilliant student in school. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to his family. He was a father to his kids, husband to his wife, son to his mother/father, big brother to his brothers, a good friend to many, an inspiration and a role model to many who want to bring *positive change* in Manipur. Bosconians mourn the passing of this great icon. Losing Kishan, is like losing a 100 brilliant Manipuris.
We are very much in pain to know the way he was murdered barbarically. The Alumni of Don Bosco School, Imphal, condemns this cowardly act of the murderers, in the strongest terms possible, and calls on the Government of Manipur to act and find the killers. Inaction is no option and the murder of Mr Kishan and his subordinate staffs is testimony to this. We also urge the Government and other regional groups to move in and bring calm in Manipur.
Kishan will be greatly missed by all. In Kishan's memory, Bosconians continue to stand in solidarity, to struggle against such inhumane acts of violence that takes away lives everyday in Manipur.
In peace and solidarity,
Alumni of Don Bosco Imphal
Read Dedications and orbituaries to Dr Th Kishan Singh by Bosconians
Read a collective remembrance of Dr Th Kishan from the DBS Alumni
Read e-pao.net's Collection of news, articles and messages on the murder of Dr Kishan